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Adding New Core Widgets

A single widget consist of two key parts:

  1. A Node-RED node that will appear in the palette of the Node-RED Editor
  2. .vue and client-side code that renders the widget into a dashboard

You can explore our collection of core widgets here.

We are always open to Pull Requests and new ideas on widgets that can be added to the core Dashboard repository.

When adding a new widget to the core collection, you will need to follow the steps below to ensure that the widget is available in the Node-RED editor and renders correctly in the UI.

On the left-side navigation you'll find a "Useful Guides" section, we recommend taking a look through these as they give a good overview of the structure of the Dashboard 2.0 codebase and some of the underlying architectural principles it is built upon.

In particular, the following are recommended:


When adding a new widget to Dashboard 2.0, you'll need to ensure that the following steps have been followed for that new widget to be recognised and included in a Dashboard 2.0 build:

  1. In /nodes/:
    • Add <widget>.html
    • Add <widget>.js
    • Add the reference to the node-red/nodes section in package.json
  2. In /ui/:
    • Add widgets/<widget>/<widget>.vue
    • Add widget to the index.js file in /ui/widgets

Example <widget.vue>

    <div @click="onAction">
        {{ id }}

    import { useDataTracker } from '../data-tracker.js'
    import { mapState } from 'vuex'

    export default {
        name: 'DBUIWidget',
        // we need to inject $socket so that we can send events to Node-RED
        inject: ['$socket', '$dataTracker'],
        props: {
            id: String,    // the id of the widget, as defined by Node-RED
            props: Object, // the properties for this widget defined in the Node-RED editor
            state: Object  // the state of this widget, e.g. enabled, visible
        computed: {
            // map our data store such that we can get any data bound to this widget
            // received on input from Node-RED
            ...mapState('data', ['messages']), // provides access to `this.messages` where `this.messages[]` is the stored msg for this widget
        created () {
            // setup the widget with default onInput, onLoad and onDynamicProperties handlers
        methods: {
            onAction () {
                // we can send any data we need Node-RED through this (optional) message parameter
                const msg = {
                    payload: 'hello world'
                // send an event to Node-RED to inform it that we've clicked this widget
                this.$socket.emit('widget-action',, msg)
<style scoped>

Data Tracker

The data tracker is a globally available utility service that helps setup the standard event handlers for widgets.


The data tracker is globally available across existing widgets and can be accessed using this.$dataTracker(...).

The most simple usage of the tracker would be:

created () {

This will setup the following events:

  • on('widget-load') - Ensures we save any received msg objects when a widget is first loaded into the Dashboard.
  • on('msg-input') - Default behavior checks for any dynamic properties (e.g. visibility, disabled state) and also stores the incoming msg in the Vuex store

Custom Behaviours

It also provides flexibility to define custom event handlers for a given widget, for example in a ui-chart node, we have a logic that handles the merging of data points and the rendering of the chart when a message is received.

The inputs for the this.$dataTracker(widgetId, onInput, onLoad, onDynamicProperties) function are used as follows:

  • widgetId - the unique ID of the widget
  • onInput - a function that will be called when a message is received from Node-RED through the on(msg-input) socket handler
  • onLoad - a function that will be called when the widget is loaded, and triggered by the widget-load event
  • onDynamicProperties - a function called as part of the on(msg-input) event, and is triggered before the default onInput function. This is a good entry point to check against any properties that have been included in the msg in order to set a dynamic property (i.e. content sent into msg.ui_update...).

Dynamic Properties

Node-RED allows for definition of the underlying configuration for a node. For example, a ui-button would have properties such as label, color, icon, etc. It is often desired to have these properties be dynamic, meaning that they can be changed at runtime.

It is a standard practice within Dashboard 2.0 to support these property updates via a nested msg.ui_update object. As such, users can expect to be able to control these generally by passing in msg.ui_update.<property-name> to the node, which in turn, should update the appropriate property.

Design Pattern

This section will outline the architectural design pattern for developing dynamic properties into a widget.

Server-side, dynamic properties are stored in our state store, which is a mapping of the widget ID to the dynamic properties assigned to that widget. This is done so that we can ensure separation of the dynamic properties for a widget from the initial configuration defined, and stored, in Node-RED.

Before the ui-base node emits the ui-config event and payload, we merge the dynamic properties with the initial configuration, with the dynamic properties permitted to override the underlying configuration. As such, when the client receives a ui-config message, it will have the most up-to-date configuration for the widget, wth the merging of both static and dynamic properties.

Setting Dynamic Properties


In order to set a dynamic property in the server-side state store we can utilise the beforeSend event on the node. This event is triggered on any occasion that the server-side node is about to send a message to the client, including when a new input is received into a given node.

For this, we make the most of the state store's set function:

    * @param {*} base  - associated ui-base node
    * @param {*} node  - the Node-RED node object we're storing state for
    * @param {*} msg   - the full received msg (allows us to check for credentials/socketid constraints)
    * @param {*} prop  - the property we are setting on the node
    * @param {*} value - the value we are setting
set (base, node, msg, prop, value) {
    if (canSaveInStore(base, node, msg)) {
        if (!state[]) {
            state[] = {}
        state[][prop] = value

For example, in ui-dropdown:

const evts = {
    onChange: true,
    beforeSend: function (msg) {
        if (msg.ui_update) {
            const update = msg.ui_update
            if (typeof update.options !== 'undefined') {
                // dynamically set "options" property
                statestore.set(group.getBase(), node, msg, 'options', update.options)
        return msg

// inform the dashboard  UI that we are adding this node
group.register(node, config, evts)

Client Side

Now that we have the server-side state updating, anytime we refresh, the full ui-config will already contain the dynamic properties.

We then need to ensure that the client is aware of these dynamic properties as they change. To do this, we can use the onDynamicProperties event available in the data tracker.

A good pattern to follow is provide a computed variable on the component in question. We then provide three helpful, global, functions:

  • setDynamicProperties(config): Will assign the provided properties (in config) to the widget, in the client-side store. This will automatically update the widget's state, and any references using this property.
  • updateDynamicProperty(property, value): Will update the relevant property with the provided value in the client-side store. Will also ensure the property is not of type undefined. This will automatically update the widget's state, and any references using this property.
  • getProperty(property): Automatically gets the correct value for the requested property. Will first look in the dynamic properties, and if not found, will default to the static configuration defined in the ui-config event.

The computed variables can wrap the this.getProperty function, which will always be up-to-date with the centralized vuex store.

    // ...
    computed: {
        label () {
            return this.getProperty('label')
    created () {
        // we can define a custom onDynamicProperty handler for this widget
        useDataTracker(, null, null, this.onDynamicProperty)
    // ...,
    methods () {
        // ...,
        onDynamicProperty (msg) {
            // standard practice to accept updates via msg.ui_update
            const updates = msg.ui_update
            // use globally available API to update the dynamic property
            this.updateDynamicProperty('label', updates.label)

Updating Documentation

There are two important places to ensure documentation is updated when adding dynamic properties:

Online Documentation:

Each node will have a corresponding /docs/nodes/widgets/<node>.md file which allows for the definition of dynamic` table in the frontmatter, e.g:

        payload: msg.options
        structure: ["Array<String>", "Array<{value: String}>", "Array<{value: String, label: String}>"]
        payload: msg.class
        structure: ["String"]

You can then render this table into the documentation with:

## Dynamic Properties


Editor Documentation:

Each node will have a corresponding /locales/<locale>/<node>.html file which should include a table of dynamic properties, e.g:

<h3>Dynamic Properties (Inputs)</h3>
<p>Any of the following can be appended to a <code>msg.</code> in order to override or set properties on this node at runtime.</p>
<dl class="message-properties">
    <dt class="optional">options <span class="property-type">array</span></dt>
        Change the options available in the dropdown at runtime
            <li><code>Array&lt;{value: String}&gt;</code></li>
            <li><code>Array&lt;{value: String, label: String}&gt;</code></li>
    <dt class="optional">class <span class="property-type">string</span></dt>
    <dd>Add a CSS class, or more, to the Button at runtime.</dd>

Debugging Dynamic Properties

Dashboard 2.0 comes with as Debug View that includes a specialist panel to monitor any dynamic properties assigned to a widget. This can be a very useful tool when checking whether the client is aware of any dynamic properties that have been sent.