Provides configuration options to create the following chart types:
Prop | Dynamic | Description |
Group | Defines which group of the UI Dashboard this widget will render in. | |
Size | Controls the width of the button with respect to the parent group. Maximum value is the width of the group. | |
Label | The text shown within the button. | |
Class | The text shown within the button. | |
Chart Type | Line | Bar | Scatter | |
Show Legend | Defines whether or not a legend is shown between the title and the chart. Each label is driven by msg.topic . | |
Action | ✓ | Controls how new data is added to a chart. It will either "append", keeping existing data, or "replace", removing existing data, before adding any newly provided data points. |
Point Shape | Define the shape of the point shown in Scatter & Line charts. | |
Point Radius | Define the radius (in pixels) of each point rendered onto a Scatter or Line chart. | |
X-Axis Type | Timescale | Linear | Categorical | |
X-Axis Format | HH:mm:ss | HH:mm | YYYY-MM-DD | DD/MM | dd HH:mm | Custom | Auto Defines how the values are displayed on the axis, when X-Axis type is 'timescale' . See here for an overview of all available Luxon tokens. | |
X-Axis Limit | Any data that is before the specific time limit (for time charts) or where there are more data points than the limit specified will be removed from the chart. | |
Properties | Series: Controls how you want to set the Series of data stream into this widget. The default is msg.topic , where separate topics will render to a new line/bar in their respective plots. X: Only available for Line & Scatter Charts. This defines the key (which can be nested) of the value that should be plotted onto the x-axis. If left blank, the x-value will be calculated as the current timestamp. Y: Defines the key (which can be nested, e.g. 'nested.value' ) of the value that should be plotted onto the x-axis. This value is ignored if injecting single numerical values into the chart. | |
Text Color | Option to override Chart.Js default color for text. At moment overrides the text color for Chart Title , Ticks Text , Axis Title and Legend Text It is possible to return to Chart.Js defaults by using the checkbox Use ChartJs Default Text Colors | |
Grid Line Color | Option to override Chart.Js default color for Grid Lines and Axis Border . It is possible to return to Chart.Js defaults by using the checkbox Use ChartJs Default Grid Colors |
Dynamic Properties
Dynamic properties are those that can be overriden at runtime by sending a particular msg
to the node.
Where appropriate, the underlying values set within Node-RED will be overriden by the values set in the received messages.
Prop | Payload | Structures | Example Values |
Class | msg.class | String |
Building Charts
In Node-RED Dashboard 2.0, the ui-chart
offers a simple way to render data in a variety of chart types. The chart is configurable to tailor to your data.
To map your data to the chart, the most important properties to configure are:
Example key mapping config for UI Chart
- Series: Controls how you want to group your data. On a line chart, different series result in different lines for example, on a bar chart, different series result in different bars for a single x-value (stacked or grouped side-by-side).
- X: Define where to read the value to plot on the x-axis. If left blank, the x-value will be calculated as the current timestamp.
- Y: Define where to read the value to plot on the y-axis. If left blank, the y-value will be read from
directly, and assume it to be a number.
The next most important properties to configure are the "Chart Type" and "X-Axis Type".
- Chart Type: Choose between a Line, Scatter, or Bar chart.
- X-Axis Type: Choose between a "Timescale" (for time-based data), "Linear" (for numerical data), or "Categorical" (for non-numeric data). You'll notice that some x-axis types are only available for certain chart types.
Line Charts
Timeseries Data
In this example we wire a Slider to our Chart to plot it's output over time:
Example of a rendered line chart with a "time" x-axis.
A very common use case of Node-RED is to process timeseries data, such as sensor readings. In this case, you would set the following:
Property | Value |
Chart Type | Line |
X-Axis Type | Timescale |
The value for the x
property would then be one of two things:
- If your data is a simple numerical value, you can leave this blank, and the chart will automatically use the current date/time.
- If your data is an object, you can provide the key of the timestamp in your data, e.g.
{"myTime": 1234567890}
would set the "X" property to the typekey
and the valuemyTime
Then, the last piece of the puzzle would be to set the y
property would be one of two options:
- If your data is a simple numerical value, you can leave this blank, and the chart will automatically use the value of
. - If your data is an object, you can provide the key of the value in your data, e.g.
{"myTime": 1234567890, "myValue": 123}
would set the "Y" property to the typekey
and the valuemyValue
Multiple Lines
Example Line Chart with multiple lines
You can group data together into multiple lines using the Series
property. A common use case here is to use msg.topic
, where each message sent to the chart will be assigned to a different line based on the msg.topic
value. Alternatively, you can set this to key
and provide a key in your data to group by.
If you want a single piece of data to plot multiple lines, you can set the Series
property to JSON
, and then provide an array of keys (e.g. ["key1", "key2"]
), which will plot a data point for each key provided, from a single data point.
Scatter Charts
Example of a rendered scatter plot with a "time" x-axis.
We can also use "Series" to group points. Let's take an example with the following data set:
{ "series": "A", "x": 5, "y": 84 },
{ "series": "A", "x": 9, "y": 10 },
{ "series": "A", "x": 11, "y": 70 },
{ "series": "B", "x": 12, "y": 28 },
{ "series": "B", "x": 15, "y": 35 },
{ "series": "B", "x": 26, "y": 42 },
{ "series": "C", "x": 20, "y": 12 },
{ "series": "C", "x": 24, "y": 54 },
{ "series": "C", "x": 27, "y": 60 },
{ "series": "C", "x": 30, "y": 66 }]
In our flow, we'd have:
With the following configuration:
Which results in:
Example of a rendered scatter plot with a "Linear" x-axis, and data grouped into "Series".
Bar Charts
Currently, we only support "Category" x-axis types for Bar Charts. This means that the x-axis values will be a string, and the y-axis will be a numerical value.
Let's take an example of loading data for the Star Wars API:
Example of a bar chart showing character "height" data
If we take a look at the configuration for this chart:
We could easily modify the "Y" property to plot a different value, without needing to modify our data.
Grouped Bars - Financial Data Example
Here we have an example of some financial data:
{ "year": 2021, "Q1": 115, "Q2": 207, "Q3": 198, "Q4": 163 },
{ "year": 2022, "Q1": 170, "Q2": 200, "Q3": 230, "Q4": 210 },
{ "year": 2023, "Q1": 86, "Q2": 140, "Q3": 180, "Q4": 138 }
Bar charts will automatically group data by common x-axis values, but maintain separate bars for each series. When you select a "Bar" chart, then you can choose the "Group By" option to be "Side-by-Side" or "Stacks".
Default behavior for a Bar Chart is to group content "Side-by-Side".
In our chart config we can define:
Configuration for of a bar chart showing financial data, grouped by year
where we have defined "Series" as a type JSON
because we want to render multiple bars for each data point, in this case, one for each quarter:
Example of a bar chart showing financial data, grouped by year
If we switch over the "Group By" option to be "Stacks", we'd see:
Example of a bar chart showing the same data, but stacked
Grouped Bars - Election Data Example
Here we have a piece of data for each candidate, for each year, which details the number of "Votes" that candidate won.
{ "candidate": "Dave", "year": 2019, "votes": 100 },
{ "candidate": "Sarah", "year": 2019, "votes": 90 },
{ "candidate": "Chris", "year": 2019, "votes": 160 },
{ "candidate": "Lucy", "year": 2019, "votes": 125 },
{ "candidate": "Dave", "year": 2024, "votes": 20 },
{ "candidate": "Sarah", "year": 2024, "votes": 170 },
{ "candidate": "Chris", "year": 2024, "votes": 150 },
{ "candidate": "Lucy", "year": 2024, "votes": 60 }
We have a couple of different ways we could group this data, firstly, we have a series for each "Year" and the x-value defined as the "candidate":
Configuration for of a bar chart showing election data, grouped by candidate, and a series for each year
Resulting in:
Example of a bar chart showing election data, grouped by candidate, and a series for each year
Alternatively, we could have a series per candidate, and then the x-value defined as the "year":
Configuration for of a bar chart showing election data, grouped by year, and a series for each candidate
Resulting in:
Pie/Doughnut Charts
These chart types use "Radial" axes. The "Series" property is used to define the layer that the particular data is rendered in, multiple series results in nested pie/doughnut charts.
The "X" value defines the key within a single Series", and the "Y" property should point to the numerical value that dictates the size of a given segment.
Let's take a look at a couple of examples:
With a sample data set such as:
{ "year": 2021, "quarter": "Q1", "earnings": 115 },
{ "year": 2021, "quarter": "Q2", "earnings": 120 },
{ "year": 2021, "quarter": "Q3", "earnings": 100 },
{ "year": 2021, "quarter": "Q4", "earnings": 180 }
We can configure our chart to render a Pie or Doughnut chart like so:
Results in the following, where for the "Doughnut" chart has two "Series" worth of data.
Example of Pie and Doughnut Charts
Removing Data
"Append" or "Replace" Added In: v0.11.3
The "Action" property on the chart allows you to control whether you:
- Append: Any new data provided will be added to the existing data on the chart
- Replace: Any existing data will first be removed, then new data will be added.
If you ever want to override the property on a message-by-message basis, you can also do this by including a msg.action
property, which will override the default behaviour. For example:
msg = {
"action": "append",
"payload": 1
Would append this data point to the chart, leaving existing data, even if the underlying chart has been configured to always "Replace".
Clear All Data
Alternatively, you can remove all data from a chart at any time by sending a msg.payload
of []
to the node. Most commonly, this is done by wiring a ui-button
to the ui-chart
node and configuring the button to send a JSON payload with a value of []
Nested Data
It is a common use case that you would have data structured as JSON, and want to plot some of it e.g:
msg = {
"payload": {
"id": "Dataset 1",
"value": 3,
"nested": {
"value": 1
Here, we can utilize the "Properties" series
, x
and y
to define which values we want to plot on the chart. To access the relevant data point here you can use the key:
type and use dot-notation, e.g: nested.value
Live Data
If you're producing "live" data (from sensors for example), you do not need to define how the x
property should be plotted. Instead, you can leave this blank and the chart will automatically calculate the current date/time.
This works equally well if you use Object
formatted data, e.g.
msg = {
"topic": "Sensor A"
"payload": {
"value": 3
Where you could set the y
property to key:value
. The x
value, if left blank in the configuration would be calculated as the current date/time.
Building Custom Charts
ChartJS has a rich set of configuration options, of which we only expose a small subsection via the Node-RED configuration. If you want to customise the appearance of your chart further, or even render charts we don't yet support, you can do so with a UI Template node.
Currently, although not ideal, we do need to load the ChartJS library from a CDN, and then watch for the file to have been loaded before we can use it, as per the Loading External Dependencies details in the UI Template documentation.
Example: Static Data
Here here is the template code that will render this bar chart:
<canvas ref="chart" />
<script src=""></script>
export default {
mounted() {
// code here when the component is first loaded
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (window.Chart) {
// Babylon.js is loaded, so we can now use it
}, 100);
methods: {
draw () {
const ctx = this.$refs.chart
new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
labels: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Purple', 'Orange'],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
borderWidth: 1
options: {
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
Example: Plotting Incoming Data
It's unlikely, as per the first example, we just want to render static data - this is Node-RED after all. So as a quick example, we can also wire this example to a ui-slider
for a quick demo, here's a flow that can get you started:
and what it'll look like when rendered to the Dashboard:
Taking a deep-dive into the contents of the ui-template
for this chart, we can see:
<canvas ref="chart" />
<script src=""></script>
export default {
mounted() {
// register a listener for incoming data
this.$socket.on('msg-input:' +, this.onInput)
// check with ChartJS has loaded
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (window.Chart) {
// clear the check for ChartJS
// draw our initial chart
}, 100);
methods: {
draw () {
// get reference to the <canvas /> element
const ctx = this.$refs.chart
// Render the chart
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: {
datasets: [{
label: "My Label", // label for the single line we'll render
data: [] // start with no data
options: {
animation: false, // don't run the animation for incoming data
responsive: true, // ensure we auto-resize the content
scales: {
x: {
type: 'time' // in this example, we're rendering timestamps
parsing: {
xAxisKey: 'time', // the property to render on the x-axis
yAxisKey: 'value' // the property to render on the y-axis
plugins: {
legend: {
position: 'top',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Chart.js Line Chart'
// make this available to all elements of the component
this.chart = chart
onInput (msg) {
// add a new data point ot our existing dataset[0].data.push({
time: (new Date()).getTime(),
value: msg.payload
// ensure the chart re-renders
Example: Categorising Data
Let's take a more complex example, where we can render a chart type that we don't currently support in core Dashboard, a Polar Area Chart.
This example is adapted from this example from the ChartJS documentation
In this example, we wire multiple ui-sliders
, each defining a msg.topic
of a different color, into our custom chart:
A deep-dive into the contents of the ui-template
<canvas ref="chart" />
<script src=""></script>
export default {
mounted() {
// register a listener for incoming data
this.$socket.on('msg-input:' +, this.onInput)
// code here when the component is first loaded
let interval = setInterval(() => {
if (window.Chart) {
// Babylon.js is loaded, so we can now use it
}, 100);
methods: {
draw () {
const ctx = this.$refs.chart
const data = {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: 'Colors',
data: [],
backgroundColor: []
// Render the chart
const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'polarArea',
data: data,
options: {
responsive: true,
scales: {
r: {
pointLabels: {
display: true,
centerPointLabels: true,
font: {
size: 18
plugins: {
legend: {
position: 'top',
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Chart.js Polar Area Chart With Centered Point Labels'
this.chart = chart
onInput (msg) {
// in this example, our topics will be colors
const color = msg.topic
// have we seen this color before?
const index =
if (index === -1) {
console.log('new color', color)
// add new dataset for this topic[0].data.push(msg.payload)[0].backgroundColor.push(color)
} else {
// we've already got data for this color, update the value[0].data[index] = msg.payload
// ensure the chart re-renders