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Layout Managers

Dashboard's UI is built around the central core of a "Layout Manager" which is responsible for rendering the UI, and managing the layout of the widgets within it.

The navigational hierarchy of the Dashboard UI is as follows:

  • UI - ui-base - Multiple endpoints can be served within a single Dashboard. Later work will be done to treat these as completely isolated interfaces.
  • Page - ui-page - All pages within a single UI are listed in the navigation drawer (left menu). Each page is configured to use a given "Layout Manager", and that manager will render
  • Group - ui-group - A group is a collection of widgets that will be positioned together on a page. Each page "layout" defines how these groups are laid out, but internally, within a group, layout is always consistent, using a bootstrap-style Column Layout (default width of 6).
  • Widget - ui-<widget-name> - Each widget is defined as a Vue component. You can checkout an example <widget>.vue file in our Adding Widgets guide.

Baseline Layouts

/Layouts/Baseline.vue defines the basic structure of a page (header and left-side navigation drawer). Other layouts then can extend this baseline and define how the widgets are rendered within the baseline's default <slot></slot>.

This list of baseline layouts will likely grow in time, and for now, just includes a very basic starter template (side navigation and header).

Adding a new Layout Manager


If you're looking to define your own Layout manager to add to Dashboard, then you need to ensure you've completed the following steps:

  1. Created YourLayout.vue in /ui/src/layouts/
  2. Add your layout in /ui/src/layouts/index.js with a specific key, e.g. your-layout
  3. Add your layout to the options in /nodes/config/ui-page_html, inside the oneditprepare function. Ensure to have the value set as the key you used in Step 2.

Example .vue file

The below example can help you get started with your own layout.

We have also documented the structure of the Widget object (used in line 13), which will provide detail on what data you have available for a given widget/component.

    <!-- Extend the Baseline Template, and render the page title appropriately -->
    <BaselineLayout :page-title="$">
        <!-- Retrieve our widgets assigned to this page (page id = $ -->
        <div class="nrdb-layout--flex" v-if="widgets && widgets[$]">
            <!-- Loop over the widgets defined for this page -->
            <div v-for="w in widgets[$]" :key="">
                <!-- here we wrap all of our widgets inside a Vuetify v-card -->
                <v-card variant="outlined" class="">
                    <!-- draw our widget into the #text slot of the v-card -->
                    <template #text>
                        <!-- render the widget's component, passing in the widget id, props and state -->
                        <component  :is="w.component" :id="" :props="w.props" :state="w.state"/>

    import BaselineLayout from './Baseline.vue'
    import { mapState } from 'vuex';

    export default {
        name: 'LayoutFlex',
        computed: {
            // our "ui" vue store contains a collection
            //of widgets mapped by Page ID ($
            ...mapState('ui', ['widgets']),
        components: {
            // extend the BaselineLayout component to get
            // the header and navigation drawer

<style scoped>
    any CSS you have for this layout can go here,
    mapped with appropriate CSS classes